Talbott's mission towards social responsibility
As Davis' oldest local solar and radiant heating and cooling company, we find it important to balance social and financial performance. Although the nature of our work directly contributes towards creating sustainable living and work spaces through solar and radiant heating and cooling installations, we are aware of our carbon footprint. Since we service such a large area, transporting panels and making service runs means a lot of miles on the road. Therefore, we have taken proper steps to compensate our actions by giving back to the community.
Our locationIn 2011 we took a step back from assessing our clients' home/business energy efficiency and took a look at our own office's energy consumption and location practicality. The constant commute between our large office in the heart of Downtown Davis and warehouse on Second Street was not only time-consuming, but the countless miles unnecessarily added to our company's carbon foot print.
It became clear that our large office space was no longer a necessity; a move towards a more efficient and practical location was in order. We now have our small and efficient office and warehouse side-by-side on our Second Street location. Besides eliminating the commute and drastically lowering our energy bill, we unintentionally enhanced employee communication and team dynamic by creating a home base for all Team Members. |
Our employees
Our employees: You may notice our employees traveling to-and-from work on bikes, scooters, or Dean Newberry's energy efficient vehicle, the Chevy Volt.
Our community, our location, our employees, these are our responsibilities.
Our community, our location, our employees, these are our responsibilities.