Before you decide to clean your panels, we strongly advise you to assess your working area. We do not recommend for non-professionals to climb up onto their roof to clean panels. There can be several factors that may occur that can lead to potential harm or even death. If your panels are located on your roof feel free to call our office to schedule a panel cleaning. Our experts are happy to help.
That being said, this article is aimed at those of you who have ground installations or low arbor modules that can be accessible with a ladder.
We recommend putting together a solar panel cleaning kit before you start to optimize your results. (You may find other products in addition to/instead of these to get you started).
Cleaning Kit
1. Brush
a. Amazon: Mr. LongArm 0404 Very Soft Flow Thru Non Restrictive Cleaning Brush: starting at $12.09
2. Pole
a. Amazon: Mr. LongArm 8508 4-Feet to 8-Feet Hydrasoar Flow-Thru Extension Pole: $35.19
3. Squeegee
a. Libman 24in Soft Rubber Floor Squeegee Model #515 $19.99
i. cm_mmc=Google-pla-_-Cleaning%20Equipment%20%2B%20Supplies-_-Brooms%2C%20Brushes%20%2B%20Squeegees-_-132372&ci_sku=132372&ci_gpa=pla&ci_kw=%7bkeyword%7d
4. Cleaning Cloth (small and medium)
a. Target: Microfiber Cleaning Cloth starting at $10.99
5. Cleaning Agent
a. Ace Hardware: 64oz Meguiar’s Gold Car Wash $13.99
b. Amazon: 64oz Meguiar’s Gold Class Cara Wash $6.97
c. Safeway: Distilled white vinegar $2.99
In an empty bucket, add 1-2 tbsp soap and 1 cup distilled white vinegar for every gallon of water. To create soap suds, add water after soap and vinegar. You will then attach your gentle bristle brush to an extendable pole and dip into cleaning product. Alternating between circular and up and down motions, gently scrape away at build up, such as water stains, bird droppings, or dirt. Wash away with water and repeat process if necessary. You may opt to use purified water for better results. Follow rinse with a squeegee and wipe down with a finish up with a microfiber cleaning cloth. These cloths are an effective way to leave your modules lint free and smudge proof because of their chemical free, non shed make-up.
Hope this helps and good luck! Remember, if your modules are in an inconvenient place and would like a Talbott Solar expert to clean them for you, give us a call.
The Talbott Team